Today Is Quite Possibly My Dogs Favorite Day Of The A to Z Challenge! Because S is for steak! …
April 22, 2022Insert Some Witty Remarks About Rice Here… Not everyone agrees on whether dogs should consume grains such as rice. …
April 21, 2022The Ultimate Q Food… Quinoa! If you had asked me years ago what quinoa is, I wouldn’t have been…
April 20, 2022Glorious Peanut Butter, And All The Amazingly Silly Faces Our Pups Make When It Gets Stuck To The Roofs…
April 19, 2022Oats Are For Goats, But Dogs Like Them Too! Have I ever mentioned here that I really want to…
April 18, 2022Nectarines are one of my partner’s favorite fruits. Because of that, we often have them in the house. Even…
April 16, 2022Are marrow bones safe for dogs? When I was a kid my family had a cocker spaniel. She ate…
April 15, 2022If you ask me, liver is gross… But I’m just a human, so my opinion doesn’t matter (much) here!…
April 14, 2022What’s kefir, you ask? I’ve been making milk kefir for my dogs for years now! Milk kefir is a…
April 13, 2022You’re probably thinking, “Jello….for dogs!?” Let me explain… I’m not recommending that you feed your dog Jello treats made/sold…
April 12, 2022