Pet summer safety tips! When we moved a few years ago, we headed north. The weather where we live…
July 28, 2022If you’ve been at all involved in the dog world the last couple of years, especially on social media,…
July 26, 2022My post about preserving puppy teeth originally went up in May of 2016! This is an updated version, be…
July 22, 2022We love paws here at Paw Print! That should be pretty obvious, considering the name of my blog! Since…
July 21, 2022Dog hot car safety… this is a topic that comes up every summer! I understand the appeal of taking…
July 14, 2022Ever since we moved out of the city, we’ve gone without air conditioning. It’s not nearly as hot where…
July 7, 2022Happy (almost) 4th of July! As many of us prepare for the festivities that will take place this holiday;…
June 30, 2022It’s crazy to me that it’s already officially summer! For me and my two dogs, Kitsune the papillon and…
June 23, 2022My papillon, Kitsune, suffers from flea allergy dermatitis. When I say suffers, he really suffers. A single flea bite…
June 16, 2022Papillon is French for butterfly. I’ve always felt it was a fitting name for the breed of dog sometimes…
June 10, 2022