It’s amazingly adorable how excited my dogs get every time a package comes to our house. They seem to think everything we get delivered is for them. To be honest, most of the time they are right! Our most recent package was from the lovely people over at They sent us their WOpet Boost Automatic Dog & Cat Feeder to try out.
We received our WOpet pet feeder for free in exchange for our honest review. As always, we strive to share only products we feel our audience will enjoy/benefit from. All opinions expressed are our own.
Post Contents:
The WOpet Boost
The WOpet Boost is a 7L, up to 4 meal automatic feeder that, in my opinion, is best for smaller pets such as cats or small dogs. The LCD screen is easy to program. After setting up the time, you can schedule the feeder to dispense up to 4 meals per day. With this unit, portion control is just a matter of the press of a button! Each meal can consist of up to 9 portions. A portion is equal to around 10 grams of food give or take, depending on the type of food you use.

This is what 1 portion of my Fenrir’s food looks like.
One feature this feeder has that I thought was really cool is the ability to record a personalized message! The unit plays your message when it dispenses a meal. I feel like this might help bring comfort to a pet who’s missing his/her owner, and help them feel more comfortable eating.
The Boost feeder is, thankfully, easy to clean. The instructions say not to immerse the parts in water, however the lower food bowl and upper hopper both separate from the main section of the feeder so they can be cleaned independently.
So down to the nitty-gritty, do we actually like the feeder?
When WOpet asked us to check it out I immediately thought of my Fenrir. He’s always been difficult when it comes to meal times. He’s a SUPER picky eater and doesn’t like to eat a lot at once. I thought this feeder would be great for him! Instead of trying to convince him to eat two larger meals a day like I’ve been doing, I could schedule the automatic feeder to dispense 4 smaller meals broken up throughout the day.
The only problem?
Kitsune! Kit is, to put it nicely, a foodie. And by that I mean…he just wants to eat everything all the time. He figured out, long before Fen, that the Boost dispenses food. Once Kit discovered there was food involved Fen never had even the hope of a chance of beating Kit to the food! That issue, on it’s own, wouldn’t be the end of the world – I could just use the feeder to feed Kit instead of Fen. However, when I had the automatic feeder out on the floor Kit figured out almost instantly that there was food in the hopper, and then spent all his time trying to knock it over so he could eat all the food inside.
None of this is the feeder’s fault, of course!
I do wonder, though, if maybe it would work better with dogs that are a bit smaller than mine are, less food motivated than my Kitsune is, or cats. I’ve been trying to think of a way to keep the feeder so that Fenrir can get to it but Kitsune can’t, but so far I haven’t come up with much. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!
I didn’t think of this when I agreed to review this product, but perhaps automatic pet feeders would be more ideal for single pet families? Or for people who can more easily separate their pets. For example, if someone had a cat and a dog, I think this product would be awesome for a cat if you could keep it up on a table maybe where the cat could get to it but the dog couldn’t.
WOpet has a handful of other automatic feeders too if you’re interested in one but not completely sold on the Boost.
A few of their models even work with an app over Wifi which I thought was really cool. They also sell other interesting products, like a treat dispensing pet camera and a really nice looking pet water fountain.
I hope no one takes this as a negative review. I wanted to be honest about our experience, without making it sound like we had an issue with this pet feeder itself. The issues we had were 100% Kitsune being Kitsune! The WOpet Boost Automatic Cat & Dog feeder is a really sleek product. It’s well designed with some really cool features, and functionally we didn’t have any issues with it. My Kitsune is just exceptionally obsessed with food, and not every pet product is going to be ideal for every pet family. I really do think this pet feeder could be awesome for pet families who don’t live with always hungry land sharks! 😂 What do you think? Have you ever tried an automatic feeders with any of your pets?
Interesting review. I can understand what you mean. My cats have earned their angel wings now however my older cat Precious is similar to Kitsune. She’s rush to eat and eat EVERYTHING and then sometimes some food from her sister cat Dusty (as she was just a nibbler type of eater). So I’m not sure this feeder would do well with “foodies’ but you may be right about it being best suited for single pet homes. I like that this company does have other options as well. Thanks for sharing your honest input!
Yes! I’m totally eyeing their water fountain for my dogs. I know usually pet fountains are geared more towards cats but I have some very spoiled small dogs that enjoy them too. If I could think of a way to only allow Fenrir to get to the feeder I think it would work really well for him, but so far I haven’t come up with a way to keep it away from Kit.
We have too many dogs for an automatic dog feeder. We have one that eats everything. I have one dog that I think would be great for but no way to make it work. Thanks for the honest review!
Right? I only have 2 dogs and that was too many I guess. Kitsune is my little piggy who wants to eat everything! I so wish I could think of a way I could allow Fenrir access to the automatic feeder, but not Kitsune. I think it would work SO well for Fen, if only Kit wouldn’t always take all the food.
Kitsune, you naughty dog – you’re such a smarty-pants. Of course you cracked the code LOL! I like the idea of a feeder that can be programmed and that has the ability to record a message, that’s great. A treat dispensing pet camera?! Shut the front door! That is amazing, I’d love to try that gadget. Excellent review, sharing on Pinterest!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Thanks for sharing! I have to admit it makes me smile when Kitsune is naughty. I love that he’s maintained his silly, naughty personality despite being older now. Isn’t the voice recording feature cool? I’d love to try their treat dispensing camera someday too!
I love your review and the product sounds amazing but as you said you have one who is picky and one foodie so it can be a problem on how to keep the foodie away from it. Honest reviews are the best as it helps those that want to buy know exactly what they are getting. As for the foodie solution, I have no idea over here, sorry
Thanks for your comment! It’s funny to me how Kit and Fen are so opposite in so many ways, yet they are still best buddies.
The feeder sounds a fantastic idea, especially if you are working to control the food intake of a cat or dog eating dried food. For this reason alone it is worth considering (although the message idea is just too cute!). The feeder looks a nice size and also looks easy to clean which is a big plus.
I am sorry Kitsune is being a bit of a terror but you are right to mention this as it doesn’t affect my view of the feeder at all. I will check them out. Kitsune needs a behaviourist but this might be more expensive than the feeder 😉
I pick my battles when it comes to the dogs and their behavior, lol. I actually don’t hate that Kit is so food motivated, as it makes it SO easy to train him. Fen has next to 0 food drive, so he’s been much more of a challenge to train. Life is generally easier with dogs when they’ll happily work for treats! Thankfully Kit doesn’t have any food aggression issues or anything like that, he just really, REALLY likes food.
Isn’t the message feature cool? I liked that it was easy to clean too. I’m such a stickler when it comes to keeping my dog’s bowls clean.
This sounds really interesting. It would never work in our house for the same reason you mentioned (plus the size of our dogs). Our boy Indy is SUPER food driven and he wouldn’t rest until he figured out how to get into the feeder and help himself to all of the food inside lol As for separating pets, we haven’t done it successfully in my house but a friend has a small doggy door that is operated by a collar sensor to help with her two dogs. She installed it on the side of a cupboard which is all decked out for her older cat with his own food, water and bed. The sensor is only on the older cat’s collar so that he can get in there and escape from the younger cat lol
I’ve heard of those collar sensors before! They do sound interesting. We live in a rental house so we couldn’t install a doggy door, but I do wonder if I could get some type of furniture piece to modify so that Fen could get inside to a little food station and Kit couldn’t. Then again, that might be more trouble than it’s worth when I can just continue to hand feed Fen. It’s funny to me that in my case, I’m trying to give my younger dog space away from my senior! I really don’t think Kit has gotten the memo that he’s a senior now.
Portion control and control over how fast a dog eats can be invaluable. And it takes care of business when you’re late coming home.
Me, I work from home and have hand-fed my dog for years. It started when Jasmine didn’t want to eat, and it stayed that way. Then, when I adopted Cookie, I started hand-feeding for bonding purposes, and it also stayed that way.
Portion control is for sure important! I hand feed Fen too. He’s just so picky, often times it’s the only way I can get him to eat. I hand feed Kit once in awhile, but it’s more for bonding/because I want too than because he needs me too. Thanks for your comment!
This sounds very familiar to the Petlibro automatic pet feeder we reviewed a couple of months ago. I thought my cats would like the recorded message, but it spooked Truffle.